For Staff: COVID-19 Updates

Dear Ocean View staff: At this time, we know there is an ever-growing amount of information about COVID-19 / Coronavirus in the media and on social media.

We urge you to rely on reliable sources of media at this time, including information shared by our Pandemic Outbreak Management Team (POMT). The main document where you can find information from the POMT is our Pandemic Supplementary document. This document contains all of the information you need to navigate the pandemic in our work.

The Pandemic Supplementary document can be found on the Shared Drive, in your communication binders, and in the staff binder in the front entrance to our facility.

The Pandemic Supplementary document, and all communications from the POMT, are also shared on iTacit. You can find a quick link to iTacit HERE.

Thank you for all you are doing to support those we serve during this challenging time. Our Board has shared a message of appreciation for you Here.

We will get through this together.