Ethics in our Work

Clients of Ocean View come from a wide variety of backgrounds and are experiencing life in a way that may be very different from anything they have ever experienced before. They may be dealing with new surroundings, different medical conditions, and age-related issues. They are also being supported by a broad range of trained staff, volunteers and loved ones who also come from a variety of backgrounds. Organizations supporting our aging population face a number of unique ethical dilemmas.

The Ocean View Ethics Committee takes a lead role in educating our Ocean View community about Ethics, and in reviewing relevant policies to ensure they reflect our mission; vision; philosophy; values; strategic directions; and Resident Rights and Responsibilities, which can be found in our Resident and Family Handbook on our Moving In page.

Members of our Ocean View community who are facing ethical questions can look for guidance in our values, our policies and procedures, and relevant codes of ethics/conduct. They may also be guided by the expressed wishes of the client, information gained from the client’s family/loved ones, and their own values.

Residents, loved ones, volunteers and staff with questions about ethics can also refer to the following Ocean View policies to learn more:
A200 – Ethical Practices and Standards
A210 – Ethics Consultation on Policy Review
A900 – Clinical Research
A1000 – Residents’ Bill of Right and Responsibilities