Ocean View’s onsite Oceanside Café is located on the first floor. Focused on serving residents , family members, and staff the Café offers a variety of items, including: sandwiches, baked goods, snacks, coffee, and small gift items.
*Oceanside Café is closed on all holidays. Hours are changed as needed dependent on volunteer schedules. See posted schedule at OV for details!
The Café is made possible by wonderful community volunteers. New volunteers are always welcome.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Courtney Gilfoy at 902-465-6020 ext. 2175 or cgilfoy@oceanv.ca
Did you know? Family members can set up a trust account for clients wishing to shop in the Cafe. Ocean View cannot advance funds for these types of activities. Accounts can be set up at Financial Services during regular business hours. Clients can withdraw funds directly from their account or authorize charges on their account in the Café.
Questions, concerns or suggestions about the Café? Email cafe@oceanv.ca