Browse this page for answers to some of our more frequently asked questions

Does Ocean View have a policy about scented products?

Scented products release chemicals which can trigger reactions in people with asthma, migraines, allergies, or chemical sensitivities. Your efforts to restrict/reduce the use of scented products such as perfumes, cologne, hairspray, fabric softener, deodorant, and laundry detergent are appreciated. Please keep this in mind when purchasing gifts forclients and when visiting.

Can I smoke at Ocean View?

Ocean View has a smoke-free policy for employees and visitors.

For health and safety reasons, existing clients as of January 2020 who are deemed safe to smoke without help or supervision from staff are allowed to smoke only in the designated enclosed smoking area (located beside the first floor Sun Lounge). Only non-refillable lighters are permitted. However, moving forward Ocean View no longer admits residents  who smoke due to risk.

Smoking is not permitted by anywhere on the grounds including the gazebo, decks, courtyards and gardens.

Who is responsible for safety at Ocean View?

Everyone at Ocean View has a role in safety, regardless of their role.

Every staff member, client, friend, family member and volunteer can help to ensure that Ocean View remains a safe environment for all.

Safety and Risk Management provides support in identifying and reducing or eliminating safety concerns and risks that could negatively affect the quality of client care. These risks may include the following, to name just a few: equipment maintenance, food service, finance, infection control, restraint use, medications and client falls.

Ocean View takes pride in making sure our clients, staff and all visitors are safe in their surroundings. You can help keep Ocean View safe by knowing what to do. Many brochures related to safety are available in display stands throughout the facility.

Thank you for keeping OVCCC a safe place to live, work, and visit.

What should I do if there is a fire at Ocean View?

Ocean View has fire alarm and sprinkler systems in place as well as fire and emergency plans. All staff members participate in emergency training including regularly scheduled drills. Should the fire alarm sound, clients will be directed/evacuated in the safest, most efficient manner. Clients and visitors are requested to stay in the immediate area and wait for directions from staff.

Help keep exits, doorways, and hallways clear. Items such as mobility aids and supplies could delay response and evacuation procedures during an emergency.

Both elevators have a phone system that allows anyone to place a call to the elevator company in the event of an emergency.

Items on top of lights in clients’ rooms present a fire hazard. Please do not place anything on top of the lights.

If you spot a fire or smoke, find a staff member immediately.

Do I have to pay for parking at Ocean View?

Ocean View provides free parking spaces for staff and visitors to the home. We also provide a number of special spots designated for client drop-off and pick-up to ensure as easy a process as possible, as well as designated spots reserved for those with accessible parking permits. Any parking spot not marked by a sign is free to park in as a staff member or visitor. There is also street parking allowed on Caldwell road, subject to signs noting bus stops, etc.

Ocean View takes an active role in parking enforcement on our grounds. Parking in non-designated spots have been an issue at Ocean View for some time. A few examples of these parking violations and the problems the cause are listed below:

  • on the sides of our fire road (causing damage to the grass and blocking this area should we need to evacuate the building quickly)
  • in the upper lot in areas that are not parking spots, causing congestion and making it very hard for other vehicles to get in or out
  • in our Fire lanes
  • in front of outside equipment such as our Generator Room or Garbage containers
  • in front of exits/entrances on all levels
  • in the Accessible Parking spots in front of the main entrance (without the proper permit)
  • in the CEO Award winner designated parking spot

HRM Parking Tickets will be issued to any vehicle that is not parked in a designated parking spot. This ticket will be for a minimum of $25.00 (higher in the Accessible Parking spots) and payable to the HRM Parking Ticket Enforcement Office. Ocean View does not profit from the tickets; all funds go directly to HRM. Parking enforcement is strictly a tool to ensure we have a safe parking lot at Ocean View.

Can I bring food in from home to a loved one who lives at Ocean View?

Ocean View encourages visitors to bring in comforts form home to their loved ones, as long as it is done in a safe manner. Family members are responsible to reheat perishable food that they have brought in for their loved ones. Proper handwashing is required before handling food and safe food handling guidelines should be followed at all times.

Only non-perishable food can be kept in clients’ rooms, in a sealed container. Refrigerators are not permitted in client’s rooms. There are refrigerators on each neighbourhood where clearly marked food can be stored. Ocean View has policies about what needs to be marked and how long food can stay there – please ask a staff member to help with this or refer to the Resident and Family Handbook.

Please do not share food with another client – it may not be safe for him/her to eat (e.g. allergies, at risk for choking).

Does Ocean View use restraints with clients?

The use of restraints can contribute to a range of serious consequences. Ocean View maintains a Least Restraint policy, which includes restraint alternatives. The need for restraints is guided by a care plan created by the interdisciplinary team which has been discussed with the client or client’s substitute decision maker. Restraints are used only under unusual circumstances and for a short time, when all possible alternatives have been tried and deemed ineffective.

Can a client leave Ocean View to visit with family or friends?

Absolutely! Many of our clients leave Ocean View for day trips, overnight visits or even weekends away with family members. We support families in being able to care for their loved ones for extended periods. Clients (or family) are asked to tell the staff when they are planning to be out or have travel plans. Staff can help you prepare by:
• packaging your medicine for you
• checking to see that your aids are in good working order (e.g. walker, hearing aid, wheelchair)
• putting on your footwear and clothing
• packing personal hygiene items
• practicing safe ways to get around

How does Ocean View communicate health information to its clients and their family members?

Good Communication can help improve safety. As a client or family member it is important that you understand as much as possible about the health care you or your loved one receive. Ask questions until you feel comfortable with any treatment options, instructions or health advice. Also, you should tell the staff any important information that will help them provide the best care and to avoid an unintended result.

Staff will communicate changes in health condition or injury directly to the client or family members. Clients and families are invited to attend regular meetings with the care team, and are encouraged to speak with staff regarding immediate issues.

Other issues such as outbreaks or changes that affect many clients and/or family members are communicated by staff and through other communication tools like the bulletin boards in each neighbourhood, website, and newsletters.