“Enough Talk” – Position Paper from NHNSA

“The long-term care (LTC) sector in Nova Scotia, and across Canada, is receiving a lot of attention due to the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. While LTC administrators have been focused on providing the care that they are so proud to deliver in Nova Scotia, many politicians, care advocates and labour groups have offered their advice and recommendations on the critical changes needed to “fix” the challenges that have been plaguing the sector for years. Now with the NS government set to launch two reviews under the Quality Improvement Information Protection Act, members of the NHNSA are putting a face to the realities that exist in nursing
homes across the province.

While the events of the last three months may have shone a spotlight on the challenges, most LTC administrators in Nova Scotia would tell you that the system has been teetering on the edge for years, with inadequate infrastructure, unacceptable staffing support and a governing piece of
legislation that has been outdated for decades. There is much work to be done…”

This excerpt is part of the introduction to a Position Paper recently released by Nursing Homes of Nova Scotia Association. As a member of the NHNSA, we invite you to read the full paper here: